Our History:

The First United Pentecostal Church was birthed out of a home prayer meeting in Macon over 50 years ago.  We have a strong Pentecostal legacy and have been privileged to be led by some great men of God.  Rev. Oscar Voga came from the UPCI Headquarters in Hazelwood, MO to pastor the church after Rev. William E. Davis’ tragic death in the 60’s.  In 1983,  the church purchased and built the current sanctuary under Rev. R.E. Johnson’s leadership.  The name of the church also changed to Word Aflame Tabernacle during this transition phase. Rev. R.E. Johnson was a conference speaker and a man of great vision.  The church flourished under Rev. Johnson’s leadership.  Rev. M.K. Marcantel served faithfully in the church for over 20 years after Rev. Johnson’s death.  During his time as pastor, the church was led to build the Family Life Center.  In the fall of 2011 Rev. Marcantel felt led of God to resign the church and God brought Rev. Ron Linville to Macon.  Pastor Linville set the bar high.  He picked up the mantle of the great men before him and renewed the vision that was established years ago.  Under Pastor Linville’s leadership a Capital Stewardship Campaign has been launched to raise the necessary funds to remodel and update what God has blessed us with!  In July 2016, our church began a new phase under current name, The Sanctuary of Macon. The Sanctuary has seen growth in many areas.  Many miracles have occurred under the leadership of Pastor Ron Linville from the dead being raised to deaf ears being opened! We believe that the best is before us!
From Hollis Rd. and Beyond